Photos: Yad Vashem
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The Valley of the Communities spans 2.5 acres created out of the natural bedrock of Jerusalem, Israel. It lists the names of thousands of Jewish communities that suffered under the Holocaust. The larger the name's type, the greater the population of the community. The 107 walls of the Valley of the Communities roughly match the geographic arrangement of Europe and North Africa. Walls, rising to a height of 30 feet and more, are meant to dwarf the visitor. The words that appear in Hebrew characters are the names of towns as they are known to the Jewish community. The Latin versions were the names used by non-Jews. Valley of the Communities, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem, Israel. "Amsterdam" The some 5,000 communities are deliberately listed not in orderly columns, but rather thrown on the walls. Thus symbolizing both the dissemination of the people and their individuality. The Valley is made up by a labyrinth of courtyards, walls, and dead ends that make the visitor feel trapped and insecure. The Memorial to Deportees by Moshe Safdie (b. 1938) hangs over the Judean hillside at Yad Vashem as a monument to the millions of Jews herded into cattle cars from all over Europe. Part of Denmark's effort to save 7, 200 of the 8, 000 Jews included this Danish boat. This boat smuggled Jews to Sweden in order to evade what the Nazis called "The Final Solution." Stained glass with butterflies, at the Children's Museum, Yad Layeled, at the Ghetto Fighter's House.
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